Guide to Prostate Health

Getting Checked: A Guide to Prostate Health


Maintaining a healthy prostate is crucial for a man's overall well-being. Since early-stage prostate cancer often shows mild symptoms, knowing how to detect prostate cancer and perform a self-exam is essential. This article provides comprehensive information on prostate health, emphasizing the significance of prostate cancer diagnosis and regular self-examinations.

Overview of Prostate Health Guide

The Prostate Health Guide is your compass to understanding prostate health. It encompasses learning about prostate cancer risks, identifying signs and symptoms, and comprehending early detection and treatment measures.

Diagnosing Prostate Cancer

Empower Yourself: Start by educating yourself about prostate cancer risks, symptoms, and recommended tests. Knowledge is your primary defense.

Know Your Risk: Familiarize yourself with personal risk factors like age, family history of prostate cancer, and ethnicity. Men over 50 and those with a family history are more vulnerable.

Regular Checkups: Schedule routine checkups with your doctor. Discuss your risks and request recommended tests based on your age and health.

PSA Test: The PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test gauges the level of a protein produced by the prostate gland. Elevated PSA levels might indicate prostate gland issues, including cancer.

Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): During a DRE, a doctor examines the prostate by gently feeling through the rectum for anomalies or lumps.

Prostate Self-Exam: Empowering Self-Care

The Prostate Self-Exam is a means to regularly monitor your prostate health. Follow these steps for the self-test:

Understand Your Anatomy: Learn about the location and size of your prostate. It's a small gland situated below the bladder and in front of the anus.

Self-Examination: Gently palpate the abdomen, particularly the scrotum and anus areas. Look for unusual lumps, swelling, or discomfort.

Urine Changes: Be attentive to any urination changes, such as increased frequency, difficulty urinating, weak flow, or pain.

Blood Presence: Watch for blood in urine (hematuria) or semen (hemospermia) and seek immediate medical attention if noticed.

Consult a Doctor: If abnormalities or symptoms arise during the self-exam, consult a doctor for a thorough evaluation.

Engage with a Medical Professional

While self-assessment is valuable, remember it doesn't replace medical expertise. Regular physical examinations, screenings, and discussions with doctors are pivotal for accurate diagnosis and treatment.


Educating yourself about prostate health, including learning how to screen for prostate cancer and conducting self-exams, is a crucial step toward well-being. You can play an active role in prostate health by understanding risks, recognizing symptoms, and engaging in self-assessment.

Recall that early detection through preventive measures like self-assessment heightens the likelihood of successful outcomes. Begin by openly communicating with your doctor, adhering to recommended assessments, and staying informed about advancements in prostate treatment. By taking proactive measures, you contribute to maintaining a healthy prostate and overall quality of life.

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1. NHS:


Important Notice

Icle Test Limited does not practice medicine or provide medical services or advice. The contents of this package (The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test) are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test is intended to be an aid to early diagnosis of Men's health issues only and is not intended to provide a diagnosis of any specific medical condition; It is intended only to detect blood in urine. A negative result should not be relied on in substitution for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. If the test is positive please arrange to see a qualified healthcare professional