Why you need IcleTest

IcleTest detects blood in your pee, quickly and conventiently, helping you discover potential issues early and to proactively manage this aspect of your health.

Detects blood in pee

Discovers issues earlier

Manages your health

Real Lives Changed...


"For all you doubters, I can assure you that this works. Having used this twice (second time just to make sure), I was ultimately diganosed with bladder cancer. Thanks to this test it has been diagnosed early, the prognosis is good and I am currently undergoing treatment. Small price to pay for peace of mind."

Paul Whittle

September 2023


"Test resulted in early diagnosis of bladder cancer. No recognisable symptoms, but cancer confirmed on subsequent appointment at GP"

Michael L

August 2023


"After taking the test and finding spots on the result, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with diabetes, had no idea I had it, witihn a week of being diagnosed my energy levels are increasing and my lifestyle has changed thanks to one IcleTest"

Craig M

August 2022


"I can not put into words what your test has done for me! I bought 4 for my 3 boys... all negative results. There was one left over, so I had a go but being female didn't think anything would show up! But it did show traces of blood. I am healthy and not unwell in any way!

I made an appointment and although the scan was clear, had a scope into my bladder where they have found the very early stages of bladder cancer! I am in total shock!

But feeling absolutely blessed, that they have found it!!

Thanks you isn't enough!

God bless you all xxx"


September 2023


I bought my husband a kit and we caught an aggressive asymptomatic prostate cancer - I'm sure like everything you can get cheaper but I chose this product and thank goodness did.

Jay C

November 2023


"I bought one of these tests for my Dad last summer, he was showing some symptoms but didn't want to go to the Dr! It showed that there was 'something' going on. He then made an appointment, within 3 weeks he'd has a cancerous tumor removed from his bladder. If it wasn't for this ad, I wouldn't have bought the test and things could have been much worse, luckily, he doesn't need to see anyone for three months, his symptoms have gone and he's doing great."

Nia B

February 2024

How it works

We believe that we will save lives by making preventative healthcare more accessible. You don’t need visible or painful symptoms to be at risk. This easy-to-do, clean and quick test could discover issues early.


Attach IcleTest to your toilet bowl


Take a pee - aiming for
the yellow target strip


Wait 20 seconds for test result

Our promise

IcleTest is the home urine test designed to detect invisible traces of blood in your pee - it's your very own early warning system

Test for invisible traces of blood in your pee - it can be an early sign of prostate, bladder, or kidney cancer

Test yourself regularly to make sure your pee stays blood-free, and you stay on top of your health

Test quickly and easily from the comfort of your home

Know the facts:

Bladder and kidney cancer account for only 15% fewer deaths than prostate cancer in the UK but are twice as deadly

[Source: Cancer Research UK 2017 - 2019]]

Bladder and kidney cancers diagnosed at the earliest stage have a one-year survival rate as high as 92-96%. At a later stage, it drops to 27-37%

[Source: Cancer Research UK]

Over 40% of men have put off visting doctors with a health concern in their lifetime

[Source: iReach study on behalf of Lloyds Pharmacy 2021]

Dr Keval Patel (Consultant Urologist)

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Keval Patel explains why you should use IcleTest to proactively test for blood in your urine.

Start Regular Tests Today ->

Frequently asked questions...

It is an early warning DIY health test that indicates if there is blood in your unrine. Its main purpose is to get people to go and see the doctor and we know that men especially often do not and IcleTest gives them a good excuse to go.

Blood in urine is most commonly associated with urological cancers, kidney stones, urethritis and can also be a sign of an enlarged prostate gland and later stage prostate cancer. It is best to know about these diseases as soon as possible as they can be treated earlier and lead to better outcomes.

There is currently no similar type of test on the market available to the general public. IcleTest is a very quick and easy test which you can do at home, saving any inconvenience or embarassment caused by a hospital GP or visit.

A positive IcleTest result should be followed up by a visit to your GP where they can do further tests to understand the underlying cause.

We offer a subscription service meaning you can sign up today and receive a new Icle Test through your door every 3 months, hassle free!

Don't be the guy who leaves it too late

Start Taking Regular Tests Today

Test Every 3 Months Here ->

NHS Launches Major Cancer Catching Drive

6 December 2023

Source: NHS England

Urinal mats in public places in England will begin to carry blood in pee cancer warnings for men, as part of a major new NHS earlier diagnosis drive. Passing blood in pee – even just once – is a common symptom for bladder, kidney or prostate cancers, which are all among the ten most prevalent cancers in the country, and generally affect men more than women. Other common symptoms for bladder, kidney or prostate cancer include peeing very often, sudden urges to pee or a burning sensation when you pee, difficulty peeing, a lump or swelling in your back, under your ribs, or in your neck, or pain in the side between the ribs and the hip.

The NHS push comes alongside a new survey found that nearly half of men (46%) thought blood in pee was not a symptom of cancer. And two-fifths (39%) of men surveyed said they would wait until they’ve noticed blood in their pee multiple times before seeing a GP. The new findings also show that just over half of men in England use a public urinal at least once a week and the majority of men (71%) said they would be more likely to contact their GP practice if they saw messaging on a urinal mat and were experiencing blood in their pee.

Data shows that more people than ever before are being seen and treated by the NHS for cancer. In the last year the number of people receiving lifesaving checks for cancer hit nearly three million (2.92m) – more than any other year on record. Diagnosing cancer early means it is easier to treat and can save lives, which is why the NHS is urging people to be aware of changes in their bodies and contact their GP practice if they notice symptoms that could be cancer.

Professor Peter Johnson, NHS England National Clinical Director for Cancer, said:

“Having blood in your pee – even just once – shouldn’t be ignored because it can be a sign of cancer, so it needs to be checked out by your GP team.

“Cancer survival is at an all-time high, and we’re seeing more cancers than ever before being picked up at an early stage – and this partnership with P-wave is just one of the many ways we are helping people to be aware of possible cancer symptoms.

“While this initiative is about helping men to spot the signs of cancer, everyone needs to be more aware– please look for any changes that may be unusual for you – and get checked out early, it could save your life.”

The NHS initiative is being supported by Adil Malik, 28 years old from London and Michael Sloane, 67 years old, Buckinghamshire, who both were diagnosed with cancer after noticing blood in their pee.

Michael, said: “When I first noticed blood in my pee in 2013, I didn’t think it could be cancer. But, after a few days my wife urged me to contact my GP practice which led to my bladder cancer diagnosis. If it wasn’t for my wife, I’m not sure when I’d have contacted my doctor – so this new NHS initiative with P-Wave is such an important way to ensure men get the message that if they have blood in their pee, they really need to get it checked out. I’m so grateful that I sought help when I did, and now I work at Fight Bladder Cancer where I’m in a position where I can help highlight this vital sign of cancer to others.”

Adil, said: “I first noticed blood in my pee in 2021. As a fit and healthy 28 year old, the last thing I thought it could be was cancer. But after losing a vast amount of weight very quickly, I decided to reach out to my local GP practice, which led to my diagnosis of kidney cancer. Thankfully, it was treatable with help from the amazing team at the Royal Free Hospital! My story shows that cancer can affect people of any age and the NHS and P-Wave partnership is a great way to remind people to contact their GP practice if they notice a change in their body which doesn’t feel right.”

For further advice click here: NHS Advice on Blood in Urine

IcleTest – your easy way to detect blood in your pee

NHS advice is to get checked up with your GP team as soon as you know you have blood in your pee.

But how do you know?

Blood can be hard to see or even impossible to see with the naked eye.

IcleTest is the simple, clean, convenient way to quickly check at home.

Order now

Only £10 per test delivered free with the 6 pack

As Seen In OK!, The Express and MyLondon: