Positive Result

Do not panic or worry at this point.

Blood in urine can indicate numerous different health conditions and in most circumstances they are not life threatening. To understand the real risk, a doctor will need to do a full consultation. IcleTest is a preemptive test so the whole aim is to have caught something before it's serious and can be treated easily.

Blood in urine may also be intermittent. A subsequent test at the GP may not be positive, but the important point to realise now is that blood has been detected and the important thing now is to have a full consulation so that all risk factors can be assessd together.

You can notify us here and we will answer any non-medical queries you may have abou the test result and what to do next.

The test indicates you have what is known as: "microscopic haematuria".

Blood in urine (pee) is not usually caused by anything serious but you must now get it checked out by a GP.1 NHS


What happens at your appointment

IcleTest is a private at home test and is not designed for a clinical setting, so it's unlikely a doctor will have heard of this product. However, the doctor will be very aware of the chromagen reagent testing strip and its reliability in testing for blood.

You should simply explain you have reason to believe you have blood in your urine, any other symptoms and let the doctor take it from there.

The GP will perform a fuller medical consultation to assess overall risk properly. The sorts of additional information a doctor might factor into account are your:

  • existing medical record
  • family history
  • age and gender
  • working environment
  • diet and lifestyle
  • exposure to sunlight
  • other current symptoms

If the doctor deems there are elevated risk factors, the doctor may see it necessary to conduct further tests such as:

  • ask for a pee sample or arrange a blood test
  • prescribe antibiotics if they think you have an infection
  • refer you to a specialist for other tests such as MRI or cystoscopy
  • examine your bottom (rectum) 

Causes of blood in urine

Blood in your pee could come from anywhere in the urinary tract – the bladder, kidneys or urethra (the tube that carries pee out of the body).

More information about blood in urine

The British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) has more information about blood in urine (haematuria).



1. NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/blood-in-urine/



Icle Test Limited does not practice medicine or provide medical services or advice. The contents of this package (The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test) are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test is intended to be an aid to early diagnosis of Men's health issues only and is not intended to provide a diagnosis of any specific medical condition; It is intended only to detect blood in urine. A negative result should not be relied on in substitution for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. If the test is positive please arrange to see a qualified healthcare professional.